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South Central District


Max Jackson

District Events

All district Choir audition dates, performance dates, location, clinicians and repertoire have been secured for both the 9/10 honor choir and the 11/12 honor choir.

Auditions will be held on Saturday, September 16.

All district concert will be held on November 4th at Evangel University.  9/10 choir will be conducted by Gerrit Scheepers and the 11/12 ensemble by Dr Bradley Almquist from Murray State university in Murray, KY.

Membership Notes

One of the things I've been trying to do is complete an updated registry of all of the high school choir directors in the south central district. I hope that this will allow better communication going forward and to use that to encourage more directors to join MCDA.

Successes & Challenges

Nixa High School Chamber Choir was just selected to perform at SWACDA.

Marshfield Junior high choir was selected to perform at  MMEA.

Copyright 2021 - Missouri Choral Directors Association

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