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St. Louis Suburban District


Stephanie Ruggles

District Events

MCDA - Springfield,  #? of singers/2 participating member schools, Dr. Elizabeth Hogan 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Choir

MCDA- Springfield, 9 singers,Dr. Kari Adams, 7th and 8th Grade Choir

MCDA - Springfield, 8 singers, Dr. Charlotte Botha, 9th and 10th Grade Choir

MCDA- Springfield, 0 singers, Dr. Andre Thomas, lJrs/Sr. MO All-State Festival Choir

MCDA-Springfield, 14 Singers, John Sttafford II, MO All-State Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Membership Work

  • Email membership periodically to encourage recruitment

  • Word of mouth–mention MCDA to new  and new-to the -state directors, directors who may not be aware of the organization,

  • 2-year certificate

  • St. Louis Suburban Conference Grant for those in first 5 years in the profession/have or past their first five years and have not attended in 10+ years–sent emails to all members and specifically to those who may be eligible

Successes & Challenges

  • Creation of conference grant for Outstanding District Director, new teacher conference grant (1 applicant)

  • several students involved in summer ensembles, esp. Jazz

  • Some potentially interested in joining

  • Follow-up with those we know who are new to the profession and/or not members of MCDA

  • Getting more SLS directors to submit auditions for honors ensembles


Nothing since last meeting.
From last board report: 

  • Sightreading:  SRF example levels are different than our SR (less difficult than All-State examples).  Can we contact SRF to match levels better?

  • Having All-State Sightreading at the District level is not always effective in inspiring students to keep auditioning. Can we have a lower level at District, the typical level at All-State Audition? It was also mentioned to bring back tonal memory to help make things more equitable.

  • Scoring at auditions–need more people to look at/validate scores.  Is this something to explore as an entire organization?

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